Fremont Declared As High-performance School Again Day After Referendum Passes
By: Beth Swary - Friday, May 10, 2024

Fremont Community schools

FREMONT - Fremont Community Schools maintained their identification as a performance-qualified school district for the 2024-2025 school year.

An accreditation specialist from the Indiana Department of Education explained performance-qualified school districts meet certain established criteria which allows for flexibility in administration and instruction.

The flexibility helps the schools to provide curriculum, instruction, programs, and educational innovations that drive student engagement and achievement. 

Indiana Code 20-24.2 outlines the flexibilities afforded to performance-qualified school districts.

One of these flexibilities allows school corporations to satisfy the 180 instructional day requirement by meeting instructional minute thresholds for the school year.

For example, schools serving students in grades seven through 12 would need to provide 64,800 minutes over the course of the school year. Meanwhile, schools serving students in grades one through six would need to provide 54,000 minutes over the course of the school year.

The news of the high-performance status came just one day after the school district's referendum was passed.

The referendum was passed with a 51.69 percent, "YES" vote by the residents of the Fremont School Corporation area during the May 7 Indiana Primary Election.

A total of 1,809 votes were casted and 935 residents voted YES while 874 voted NO.

President of the FCS Board of School Trustees, Andy Lies said, "The funds generated from this referendum will make lasting changes for our community and provide generations of future Eagles new and greater possibilities."

The referendum will begin on January 1, 2025.


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